0115 845 1304

About Us

In a constantly evolving world of technology, it is our aim to provide Simple, Affordable and Reliable Technology to support communities. From design to ongoing support, we aim to provide a high level of support at an affordable price.

System Specification & Design

In order to ensure that the systems meet all of the requirements of your end goal, we'll work with you to assess the best solution to fit your needs.


We take pride in high standards of installation ensuring that cabling is hidden and as neat as possible and devices are mounted securely to manufacturer standards.

Ongoing Maintenance & Support

We want to work with you, not only at the time of installation but to ensure that the products continue to work to fit your needs. If at any point those needs change we can reassess and advise on the possible options.

Our core values are important to us and we always aim to stick to our promises

  • We'll never sell you something that you don't need - everyone has their own interpretations on what's needed but if we're recommending it, we believe that it's the right option for you.

  • Bigger isn't always better... The fastest, latest and most sparkly isn't necessarily necessary - Obviously if your requirement is to have a fancy bit of kit then we'll provide, but if it's more important to have something simpler or cheaper that does the same, we'll work around your budget and needs.

  • Safe Disposal of Electrical Equipment (WEEE - Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recycling)  
    We, pardon the pun! Care about the environment and therefore aim to recycle everything from old Hardware (PCs, Laptops, Mobile Devices, PCBs, etc.) to scrap Cable. CTS work with third party companies to provide this service at no cost to you.

  • An upgrade doesn't always mean a brand new bit of Kit! Linked with the two points above, if we feel that your devices life can be extended, to save you money, unnecessary time and stress, then we'll recommend an upgrade.

  • We understand every customer is different and not one solution fits all - so we'll work with you to find a solution that meets your needs.

  • The equipment we provide may not necessarily be the cheapest on the market, there will always be a cheaper alternatives available online. We only use trusted, stable and known branded products that you can rely on. Products that meet the correct regulatory standards.

I have used CTS to repair my aged PC and printer on several occasions; extending its life long after I should have had to buy a new one. Friendly, reliable, trustworthy, excellent value for money and never tries to baffle me with tech-speak.
Home Customer - Carlton, Nottingham